Theory of Asian Escape (脱亜論)datsu-a-ron 1885

Japan's misery is China and Korea.
People in these two countries belong to the "Chinese characters" cultural area as well as Japanese and share the same classics,(Korea has already abandoned kanji and it is not used) but whether they are originally racially different, there is a difference in education, spiritual gap with Japan is too much Also big.

In the era when information comes and go so early, while knowing about modern civilization and international law, the spirit of China and Korea sticking to the past is not different from a thousand years ago.
Even in the context of international conflict, we are not ashamed of being reassessed as "you are bad".

We should no longer expect these two countries to acquire international common sense.
We should throw away the illusion that it will be used for prosperity as a member of the East Asian Community.

Japan must break the relationship with the continent and the peninsula and go forward with the West. Do not touch with special emotions just because you are neighboring.
Also, in accordance with international common sense, contact these two countries in accordance with international law. Those who miss the wrongdoings of bad friends can not escape the infamy.

I feel like I'm going to break up with bad friends in East Asia.

福沢諭吉 脱亜論 fukuzawa yukichi
132 years ago